Friday, December 18, 2009

Corruption is the root cause of recent Price Rise

I resubmit hereunder a very common question coming in the minds of common men.

What is the reason behind declining economy for common men inspite of rising GDP or what is the reason behind continuous rise in prices of essential goods and commodities?

It is none other than corruption is my clear cut answer. Politicians in collusion with administrative officers (beaurocrats)are busy in making money from traders and have given full freedom to them to loot as much as possible and share with them (politicians and government officers) Prices are rising and rising unbridled only because there is none to monitor.

I disagree with lame excuses given by ruling central government of UPA like global slowdown or lesser production or bad climate. You might have heard on TV and read in print media that onion and rice in huge quantity were exported inspite of ban on export of rice.
Why and how could it so occur?
Because politicians in general and ministers in particular forget all rules when they are offered some commission. Officers working in government departments including judiciary and defense become ready to violate rules once they are gifted adequately.

Indians are suffering and paying high prices of rice due to crisis created by traders and politicians not by farmers. Economy is declining or improving, I am unable to understand, it is known to only God. But I hear in news media, sometimes political leaders talk of India shining and say India will be the leader in the world and sometimes when people raise question on increasing poverty, increasing unemployment or price rise they any hesitation talk of decline or global recession.

This is why most of the people conclude as follows which may appear ridiculous but bitter reality for majority of Indians.

Corruption is the Fifth pillar of democracy.
Corruption is the foundation of Indian Administration.
Corruption in the backbone of Indian economy.
Corruption provides lubricant to Indian Judicial system.
Corruption is the oxygen for politicians.
Corruption keeps your Boss happy and you go on moving up.
Corruption elevates your social status, hides your mistakes, and gives you choice posting, helps in getting early promotion and what not.
Any work can be done smoothly and timely if you indulge in corruption and agree to prevailing corrupt system.

Accept and Give bribe as much as possible and be happy.
Accept illegal practices prevalent in the system with joy and pleasure, you will lead a peaceful life. Don't try to protest anyone or point out anyone's fault, otherwise it will open Pandora's Box for you.

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