Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Common Men and Price Rise

Prices cannot be controlled by politicians like Pranab Mukherjee or Manmohan Singh or UPA as a whole because their survival depends on donation received from traders and industrialists. They cannot put restriction on traders, industrialists and exporters and hence they have given them full freedom to earn more and more profit. Farmers cannot remain behind in this mad race for profit and that for making money in the shortest time and this is why even prices of vegetables are rising and touching sky. All essential goods are more or less beyond the reach of common men.

Even Public Sector undertakings and public sector banks (PSUs and PSBs) are in mad race for showing higher profits. CEOs of PSUs are busy in registering their name in the list of yes-man of ministers so that they may get cream posting and quickest promotions. We are living in an era of flattery where quality of flattery is more significant than service to common men or that of human resources or the real service to the mankind in general. Politicians are made for traders and industrialists and vice versa. Common men are providing shoulders to these politicians and traders for firing in air apparently at each other. Real jerk of these useless firing is borne by none other than common men. In fact both traders and politicians are playing drama and befooling common men for their vested interest.

Every time finance minister assures to take steps to control price rise, market exhibits more and more rise in prices. On the eve of last Parliamentary election they took some harsh steps against traders, hoarders, profit escalators, black marketers and the resultant effect was positive. Prices did come down to some extent. Voters thought that after the grand victory in election Congress led UPA government will do better but their all hopes shattered. I am however fully confident that UPA government will become active once again only when they reach closer to next election. They will start again talking of common men again without any sense or realization of shame. In mad race of reformation and liberalization or in an effort o keep allies happy UPA government at centre is inviting another violent revolution and strengthening the hands of communists, socialist and naxalists and terrorists indirectly.

It is worthwhile to express here that the same government and the ruling party spend crores of rupees in welcoming some or the minister or some VIP every day in some town or the other. Party and the government spends hundred of crores of rupees in conducting parliamentary election or assembly election, crores of rupees are rupees are spent on inaugural functions, in making preparation for commonwealth games, IPLs and so many other avoidable ventures to teach a lesson to opposition parties, or to tease opposition parties or for their own vested interest. But unfortunately they do no have sufficient fund to build adequate godowns and warehouses to store lifesaving food grains produced by poor farmers. It is therefore not painful for them that food grains worth hundred of crores rupees are wasted and damaged every year. Yes it is also true that Mr. Sharad Pawar Agriculture Minister knows this bitter truth of food grain worth hundred of crores of rupees getting damaged every year , But he is helpless. He does not get time to think over methods, means and ways to stop loss of food grain.

Government proudly talks of GDP growth but ignore the bitter truth that production of food grain is not growing in unison with growing need. They talk of corporate finance and least bothered of reduction in farm lending through PSU banks. As such neither production is increasing , nor produced food grains are properly and safely stored and neither public distribution system is made leak proof nor prices are regulated to make the same affordable for common men.

I simply know a proverb “If there is a will there is a way”

Flatterers however always say “all is well sir”

Finance Minister, Prime Minister, RBI Governor advises common men to wait till government stabilizes, till recovery from global recession ,till monsoon comes, till Kharif crop yield comes in the market, till the year end and finally till next general election approaches near. Congress Party spokesman Mr. Manish Tiwari told yesterday on TV while participating in a debate on Times Now that NDA government in 2002 dismantled administered price system or changed this law or other. I am unable to understand why UPA government did not alter the law, amend the law when they found a hurdle in the law passed by BJP led NDA government. Common man are dieing of hunger, but the government is engaged in blame game.

God know whether anything is in control of the government or everything including Common Men are willfully, diplomatically and strategically fully left Bhawan Bharose till next election.

Danendra Jain

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