Thursday, December 30, 2010

No election please

Crores and crores of rupees are spent by government as also by contesting candidates in various types of elections conducted in our country. The money for these elections comes from business community and rich government officers who have earned money generally from illegal means. Hence it is natural that the elected candidates will always try to satisfy the hungry businessmen and servicemen who support him in the election. It is therefore not astonishing that politicians all the time cry for election funding from government.
Extraordinary expenses are in fact to be incurred everywhere to acquire valuable post and position in the society. Even in service sector one has to offer valuable gifts to his bosses, ministers and others to move up in career path and to remain posted at cream places all the time. Crores of rupees are spent in welcoming a big boss, a minister or a leader and money for these are collected from businessmen. Crores of rupees are spent by service class people in showing excellent hospitality to their higher ranked officers who visit their area of operation so that they may get better treatment in promotion and posting. Precious gifts are offered to all dignitaries who visit their area. Wherefrom money for such costly hospitality does come? Naturally it is businessmen who cater to such demands and in return they expect favour from corrupt team of officers .Money for all these unwarranted expenses come from only businessmen who take advantage from powerful persons.
This is fully a money game and hence the key of the government always lies in the hands of rich people. Democracy is for the rich, by the rich and for the rich people. Economists always talk of liberalization, privatization, globalization and reformation. In this new era started from 1991 businessmen have been given undue and unregulated freedom and hence they are extorting extraordinarily high profit and this is why prices of all essential commodities have gone beyond the reach of common men.

Prime Minister Mr. Manmohan Singh the great economists and learned Finance Minister Mr. P Mukherjee have failed to stop price rise and failed to get any success in poverty alleviation programme.During the entire year 2008, 2009 and 2010 veteran leaders of ruling party made one after other excuses for price rise but did nothing to stop its upward trend. This is because politicians of ruling party are specially obliged to business community .It is by support of the rich people of their area that an MP or MLA is elected in general election. Hence no real action is taken against profit makers, market movers, crisis creators, extorters, hoarders, black marketers. Government has completely failed to stop corrupt Ministers and corrupt officers from doing mischievous and scandalous activities.

No doubt corruption is the root cause of all maladies. Sooner of the later government has to stop these expensive elections and stop dirty political game being played by politicians, government officers and businessmen for exploiting poor people of the country. Democracy has become killer in disguise for common men. People of India do not want election, they want bread &butter, and they need proper education, proper justice, respectable living, peaceful society and proper infrastructure and so on.

Heaven is not going to fall if elections are not conducted for coming ten years provided one assures that there will not be any place for corrupt practice in the system. It is to be ensured that for coming ten years at least government servants as also politicians together serve the country honestly and devotedly for the welfare of common men and also for the overall safety and security of the country.

People do not want mutual blame game between politicians and administrative officers for all lapses; they want action against all evil doers in shortest period which can have demonstrative effect in the minds of all evil doers.

People of India cannot be happy only by hue and cry made by media men on TV channels; they want effective follow up on all exposures and quickest action against all type of criminals.

It is hoped that people of India will get some relief in the year 2011
